Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year! Welcome to The Student Housewife and the beginning of my first full calendar year as a married woman. I have been a wife for just under two months and I am pleased to report that all is well so far

I had heard that people often experience a post wedding gloom once all the excitement has died down but luckily we’ve had my birthday (26- blimey), Christmas and New Year to look forward to. It seems to me that we have spent the last few months partying. I’m not complaining but as my mother recently said to me ‘there’s nothing quite like the pure taste of a tomato after all that Christmas indulgence to make you feel better.’ She was right as usual (well mothers usually are aren’t they?) and that’s a major point of this blog, to learn from others. I’m not going to pretend I know it all so I hope you will be generous and share tips and advice with me. 

Some may say that the term housewife is an outdated concept and that perhaps Mr Ball and I should share the chores equally. It is quite right to think that we live an old fashioned existence – he goes to work, I look after the house, but that’s because I’m a student and I have more spare time. In a couple of years we will go back to both having jobs and sharing the chores (I would prefer to be a housewife though).

I’m not going to pretend that I wait for him at the front door with his pipe and slippers or that he sits watching TV whilst I dust the house with a twinset under my pinny, it’s not like that. We are like any other modern couple. If I’m racing towards an assignment deadline (usually four at once) he takes over the housework because we support each other when times are hard.  

Before the wedding, we made three promises that weren’t covered by our civil ceremony vows. We would always trust and respect each other and work as a team. My personal aim is to create a comfortable and happy home for us to enjoy. This is my captain’s log.

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